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Declare the Registry

In order to get started you need to make your repository compatible with the widget registry. For this you will need to create a special folder (once for the repository) called .widgetRegistry. This folder should contain a main.js file that holds configuration and metadata for the whole registry.

An example .widgetRegistry/main.js could look like:

module.exports = {
register: ['../src/components/**/*.widget.js'],
// Use directoryUrl if you need to serve the compiled JS apps from a different
// place than the location of the registry.json.
// directoryUrl: '',
// directoryUrl: 'assets/js/apps',
webpackFinal: (config) => {
// This repository contains React components, we should add the preset to
// the default webpack config.
let presets = config.module.rules[2].use.options.presets;

// This repository is not using TypeScript. Opt out.
presets = presets.filter((preset) => preset !== '@babel/preset-typescript');
config.module.rules[2].use.options.presets = presets;
config.module.rules = config.module.rules.filter(
(rule) => rule.loader !== 'ts-loader'
return config;
allExternalPeerDependencies: {
lodash: {
src: '',
external: '_',
