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Widgets types are stand alone JavaScript applications ready to use in any publishing context. JavaScript developers create widgets in their own repositories, so they can be syndicated and embedded in publishing platforms. These include popular CMS, static HTML, other JavaScript applications, etc.


The most important feature is that widgets can be embedded anywhere in your CMS. This includes the layout building tools, the content model relationships, the body field using the WYSIWYG editor, etc. This gives editors a lot more power in building amazing reactive content.

Embed anywhere

Another significant feature is that you can put new JS apps (and update existing ones) without having to update the CMS. Think of these JavaScript applications as you treat other media (images, videos, ...). You would not expect to have to hard code your images/videos in your CMS templates, with the widget registry JS apps have the same editorial experience.

Immediately available

Build your digital strategy using widgets to maximize reuse of your development efforts. Widgets are designed to allow you to focus on your strategy rather than on development.

Develop widgets

Widgets can be as simple as a personalized CTA, or as complex as a full embedded product catalog. Widgets are a powerful tool to build reactive applications that are stamped all across your digital properties.

No effort from JS to CMS


Your widgets can accept external input. This can affect what the color scheme should be, what language should be used, what is the personalized text for the call-to-action button, or what data source to use to fetch for content. This allows you to maintain a single code base powering many variants without code duplication.

Widgets are configurable


Widgets are ready for internationalization. Both interface text and content can be expressed in your user's language.